?BGM Piano Performance at Restaurant, Week 2 Feb. 2022
I routinely have my stock of about 50 music scores for BGM per 2 hours. I also respond to customer requests by playing BGM at restaurants.
The additional pieces of music for the BGM performance this week are listed as mentioned below.
– For BGM performance (The only additional pieces) –
- 美しきロスマリン(Kreisler)
- 泥棒かささぎ(Rossini)
- 序奏とロンド・カプリチオーソ(Saint-Saens)
- My Heart Will Go On
- Your song
- チャルダッシュ(Monti)
- 愛の喜びは(Martini)
- 涙そうそう
- 蕾
- ノクターン第20番(Chopin)
- Precious love
- 間奏曲Op.118-2(Brahms)
by YAMAHA GRAND Piano C3//
❖ 芸能関係はこちら☞https://www.sea-green.jp
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