?BGM Piano Performance at Restaurant, Week 3 Mar. 2022
I routinely have my stock of about 50 music scores for BGM per 2 hours. I also respond to customer requests by playing BGM at restaurants.
The additional pieces of music for the BGM performance this week are listed as mentioned below.
The seasonal songs and the pieces of the composers whose birthday is in March are also chosen. And still, I continue to perform both anti-war works and love songs to hope to achieve the world that everyone pursues global peace.
– For BGM performance (The only additional pieces) –
- Hammer To Fall*
*I performed repeatedly one phrase of this song in the interval from the several works collected along with one theme to another. - How Does the Grass Grow
- ラルゴ変ホ長調(Chopin)
- 『展覧会の絵』より キエフの大門 (Mussorgsky) *Also, his birthday is in March.
- 幻想即興曲(Chopin) (お客様がいらっしゃらない時に試しに入れてみましたが、やはりBGMには音量が抑えづらい曲でした。こうした曲も前述のHammer To Fallのように入れ方を考えてみることにします…)
- カンタービレ(Chopin)
- 『マ・メール・ロワ』より 眠りの森の美女のパヴァーヌ(Ravel)
- いい日旅立ち
- 時代
- 朧月夜
- We Are Young
- W/X/Y
- カメレオン(King Gnu)
- カルメン幻想曲(Sarasate)
- for you …
by YAMAHA GRAND Piano C3//
❖ 芸能関係はこちら☞https://www.sea-green.jp
❖ 上記以外各種サービス受付・問い合わせ先はこちら☞https://www.️️ 音楽 Artist / Creative Instructor
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️ ヘルスカウンセリング・パーソナルケアサロン Selfcare Style Supporter
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