?BGM Piano Performance at Restaurant, Week 3 Dec. 2023
I routinely have my stock of about 50 music scores for BGM per 2 hours. The additional pieces of music for the BGM performance this week are listed as mentioned below.
Hoping to achieve a world where everyone pursues global peace, every time I select the work of Chopin who had thought about his homeland, Poland. It is because I recall Polish history in the tragedy of repeated wars, conflicts, and slaughter. So I continuously follow Polish musicians including others.
Still this week, I performed the pieces of the musicians whose birthdays were in December and Christmas seasonal songs alternately.
– For BGM performance
The only additional pieces –
- Cantata BWV 63 ‘Christen, ätzet diesen Tag’ / Bach
- King Christian II ~ Suite op. 27, I. Nocturne (Sibelius)
- L’enfance du Christ, op. 25 <pour piano> (Belrioz) *I played this piece by organ score last year.
- Die Weisse Dame: La Dame blanche – Ouverture:白い貴婦人 (Boïeldieu)
- Kleiner walzer (Terasa Carreño)
by YAMAHA GRAND Piano C3//